Progressive Basic Pistol Course
The Basics of Pistol Shooting class is the best way for you to learn the basics of pistol shooting, and build confidence.
What You'll Learn
Basic foundation of pistol operations and safety
Different types of pistols and which one is best for you
The basics of ammunition
Managing pistol malfunctions and jams
The fundamentals of shooting - proper stance, sight alignment, and trigger control
Improve skills through indoor practice with laser systems, and progress to live range practice with a variety of pistols
Items to bring:
Ear and eye protection, if you have them (can be borrowed, if you don't have them)
Your own pistol, if you own one
Cost for the course is $60.00
Maximum of four people per class
This class includes approximately 2 hours of classroom instruction, followed by approximately an
hour at the range.
Texas School Safety Guardian Program
RK Tactical works with school district safety teams to adequately train on marksmanship and how to respond to emergency situations.
Our classes are designed to train educators to carry defensive handguns on school campuses. We provide training utilizing the Texas DPS curriculum, and include a custom training plan based on specific educational environments.
We go beyond the state mandated 16 hours of instruction, and provide an additional day of basic handgun safety and proficiency skills training.
We are able to bring our state-of-the-art indoor life size simulator to your location for marksmanship training, and realistic situational scenario training that will help improve marksmanship, decision making, and response tie in emergency situations.
Cost: We vow to keep this program extremely affordable ! Cost will vary based on custom training.
Texas Parks and Wildlife Hunter Education Course
This course is designed for novice or young hunters, ages 9 years and above; and is mandatory if you were born prior to September 2, 1971. The course covers the core competencies of firearm and hunting safety, hunting ethics, and wildlife conservation. All materials are provided and subjects are covered to enable the student to successfully complete the Hunter Education certification process.
This course lasts approximately six hours of classroom instruction.
Cost is $15.00
Register for course at
Contact instructor for class offerings
NRA Winchester Marksmanship Program
The Marksmanship Qualification Program adds structure and achievable goals to your range visits, helping you develop and improve your marksmanship skills. Qualification shooting is completely informal and is available throughout the year.
While the program starts at the basic levels (Pro-Marksman, Marksman), shooters will travel up the ladder to intermediate levels (Marksman 1st Class, Sharpshooter, Expert) and eventually the nationally recognized skill level- Distinguished Expert-the pinnacle of the program. The Distinguished Expert rating is parallel to a competitively classified Sharpshooter. From there you can jump to that classification tree and rise to Expert, Master and High Master.
Cost is $20.00 per hour
Items to bring: pistol, ammo, ear and eye protection
R & K private range north of town will be used
Private Marksmanship Lessons
Private lessons are provided to those individuals that want to improve their marksmanship.
Cost: $20.00 per hour
Items to bring: Pistol, ammo, ear and eye protection
R & K private range north of Pampa will be used
Advanced Concealed Carry
This is a two hour class designed for the individual that has taken and passed the Texas LTC Class. It addresses any issues the LTC Holder may be unsure of and help improve the person's marksmanship by re-shooting their previous proficiency to see if their score has improved.
Attention to improving their proficiency and use of a concealed holster will be addressed. As well as any questions that the license holder may have arisen since obtaining their LTC. This is not a DPS certified course and does not offer any other license above and beoyd the the DPS certified LTC license.
Cost: 50.00 / minimum class size required
Items to bring: Pistol, ammo, ear and eye protection
Pistol Malfunctions
This three hour class is designed to teach the student the different types of malfunction, what causes them, and how to clear them. Failure to feed, failure to eject, squib load, stove-pipe and double feed, along with other issues are covered.
This class includes classroom and range instruction.
Cost: $50.00 / minimum class size required
Texas License to Carry Course
Texas License to Carry course is the state required prerequisite for applying for a Texas License To Carry (LTC). Applicants must complete four to six hours of classroom training, pass a written examination, and pass a shooting proficiency demonstration. The classroom portion includes laws that relate to carrying a weapon, handgun safety, non-violent dispute resolution, and proper storage practices.
The LTC Course requires the basic knowledge of operating and shooting a handgun in a safe and proficient manner. Each participant must already know how to proficiently use a handgun in regards to loading a magazine, making a firearm readily dis-chargeable, making a firearm safe, aiming, shooting, and be able to clear jams. There will not be time to practice shooting or personal instruction on the range. If you do not know how to do these things proficiently, you must take the Basic Pistol Course before taking the License to Carry Course.
The second steps in obtaining a Texas LTC is to apply for a license through the Texas Department of Public Safety, and have your fingerprints taken and submitted to the State by Identgo. We will go over this process step by step in class, and you will receive a folder with written instructions. We are also glad to assist individuals who need additional help with the application process at no additional charge.
If you are unsure if you qualify for a Texas License to Carry, please visit the Texas DPS webiste at:
Cost for the course is $50.00
Items to bring: Pistol, 50 rounds of ammo, ear and eye protection
This class includes approximately 4 1/2 hours of classroom instruction, followed by approximately an hour at the range.